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V Interregional conference of Sheredar Foundation

From the 8th to the 11th of October, 2014 there will take place teaching training for specialists in rehabilitation sphere (representatives of NPOs and medical institutions) in Sosnoviy Bor village, Vladimir region.

The aim of our future meeting is exchange of experience and consolidation of new ideas for the sake of improvement of quality of rehabilitation of children who has come through oncohematological diseases. Terry Dignan, the expert of international association “Serious Fun Children's Network”, will manage the autumn training. The leading international and Russian specialists in rehabilitation sphere will be speakers at the conference.

The following themes are supposed to be under discussion during the training:

Main session themes:

  • Developing of age-specific programs.
  • The concept of Therapeutic recreation and its practical usage.
  • Building of emotionally safe environment for a child.
  • Challenges during the realization of the programs – probable risks and difficulties.

Medical session:

  • Looking after children and young people when they are neutropenic: isolation or normality?
  • What is unobtrusive medical support?
  • Criteria of selection of children with serious diseases.
  • What is “Camp Medicine”?
  • The ways to allow children with serious diseases “just to be children”.

Until September,8 2014 any interested person may state own ideas and possible topics for discussion in written form and send us to e-mail: info@sheredar.ru.

Let us remind that for participation in the conference it is necessary to send filled application form to e-mail info@sheredar.ru. The registration is open until September 5th, 2014. We pay your attention that the sent application form is not a guarantee of participation in the conference.

Join us! Let’s bring back the joy of life to children together!


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